Today I'd like to show you a variation on my sewing pattern Sigge & Siri beanie. Adding lace to the beanie gives it a beautiful and romantic detail. And here's one way to do it!
I made this beanie in lovely college fabric from Elvelyckan Design. It is a perfect autumn beanie for those chilly days.
While the beanie is sewn together at the top and with its right side in, take out stretch lace and pin it around the edge of the beanie. If there's a right side to the lace, it should be placed towards the beanie's wrong side/inside.
Here I'm lifting and looking inside the beanie to see that the lace is even. I have chosen to have about 5-8 mm of the lace visible from the right side, and 1,5 cm on the inside.

Evert the beanie, now it is time to sew the lace. Sew from the right side of the beanie with a twin needle or wide zig zag, about 0,5-1 cm (1/4-3/8") from the edge. You are now sewing through two layers of fabric + the lace.

Press the seam you just sewed. And it's done!
You're welcome to comment below if you have any questions.